
Visa will now support American Express and Discover brand conversions as part of its Visa Account Updater (VAU) program. 

This is in addition to the Visa-to-Visa and MasterCard-to-Visa brand conversions the VAU program currently supports.  With the Costco credit card transition from American Express to Citibank-issued Visa cards on the horizon, this is a big win for both consumers and card-on-file merchants.

Consumers who use their Costco credit card to make purchases for recurring transactions and with trusted card-on-file merchants will be saved the hassle of updating their payment details. Card-on-file merchants will be able to seamlessly support their customers’ payments without interruption.

As a merchant, you will want to confirm with your payment processor how you are currently sending your VAU requests to ensure you are taking advantage of this additional brand conversion support from Visa.

For more information on the Visa Account Updater program: