
Interested in speaking or submitting a proposal for the Payments Education Forum?

In order for your proposal to be considered, please ensure that the following session guidelines are adhered to and that you can commit to attending DRF Payments Education Forum 2016 , August 8 – 10, in Charlotte, North Carolina

Session Requirements:

  • Sessions must support the spirit and principles of the DRF / Payments Education Forum by providing education to CNP merchants.
  • Sessions must empower attendees to optimize their business and increase revenue.
  • Sessions and materials used cannot direct market or sell any products your company offers.
  • Multi-speaker panels are strongly encouraged. The best sessions are those that include merchants sharing their expertise to others.
  • Sessions typically last one hour total. Sessions should be planned to provide 45 minutes of content with Q&A time to follow.
  • All information presented must be accurate and up-to-date at the time of the Annual Forum.
  • All material is subject to review and revision as deemed necessary by the DRF / PaymentsEd Board and/or DRF PaymentsEd Education Committee.
  • PowerPoint presentations will use the approved DRF format unless waived by the DRF Board.

Presentation Levels:

The Education Committee seeks three levels of training for the conference. Please consider these guidelines when selecting your presentation level:

Fundamental Sessions: For attendees new or who have one to two years experience in the payments environment. These sessions cover payment basics and assume the audience has only a minimum knowledge of credit card payment terms and processes.

Intermediate Sessions: For attendees with 2-10 years of payments experience who are looking to broaden their industry scope. This attendee is looking to learn about hot topics in consumer trends and emerging payment methods.

Advanced Sessions: For seasoned payment professionals with 10+ years in the industry who attend the DRF to find detailed information about difficult subjects.

Important Dates:

January 29, 2016 : Deadline for proposal submission.
March 15, 2016 : Notification of acceptance or denial of proposal
May 13, 2016 : Deadline for draft presentation submission.



Any questions or concerns please contact us for additional information.