
The PaymentsEd Forum Announces New Executive Director

The DRF PaymentsEd Forum announces Laura Lively their new Executive Director. “The DRF PaymentsEd Merchant Board has unanimously selected Laura Lively to be our next Executive Director,” says Brian Kehn, board chairman and Director of Billing for HomeServe USA. “Laura’s background uniquely positions her to assume the Executive Director role. She has been a member […]

Maximizing Chargeback Representments When The Payment Isn’t Present

Chargebacks can be effectively disputed, but when does it make sense for your business? This presentation breaks down definitions, detail representment considerations and offer recommendations for the most frequent chargeback reasons.  Presenter: Chris Marchand, Vice President Business Development, Verifi, Inc.

Ethoca’s Julie Fergerson Appointed to Merchant Advisory Board

The DRF PaymentsEd Forum, a non-profit organization focusing on delivering educational and networking opportunities to card-not-present (CNP) payment professionals, recently appointed Julie Fergerson, senior vice president of Industry Solutions for Ethoca, to its Merchant Advisory Board. All Board members are charged with delivering high-level educational and networking opportunities for tenured payments professionals and those just […]

Mastercard BINs: Today & Tomorrow

page viagra Bank Identification Numbers (BINs) are fundamental to payments.  They identify the network and issuer, and provide other important information across the ecosystem.  As a result of recent and on-going growth in electronic payments and digitization, the industry’s supply of BINs is under pressure and there is a need to expand the supply in […]

Why Attend The PaymentsEd Forum?

by Destine Borchardt,PaymentsEd Forum Board Member & Director of Professional Services for ABC Financial The payments industry continues to evolve and it’s hard to stay abreast of all of the changes, how they impact your job and your company. That’s why networking and expanding your knowledge is key to being successful. The PaymentsEd Forum is […]

Why Attend PaymentsEd 2016 Forum?

The payments industry is changing fast. It’s hard to stay on top of all of the changes. That’s why networking and expanding your industry knowledge and contacts is the key to success. The DRF PaymentsEd 2016 Forum is the industry’s ONLY event focused solely on educational and networking opportunities for payments professionals. Attending gives you access to […]

Why Attend DRF PaymentsEd 2016 Forum?

Why attend DRF PaymentsEd 2016 Forum? The payments industry continues to evolve and it’s hard to stay abreast of all of the changes, how they impact your job and your company. That’s why networking and expanding your knowledge is key to being successful. I’ve kept ahead of the complex payments industry by being an active […]

Payment Metrics – Do you know what matters?

Industry veterans discuss payments metrics and reporting in this interactive session, with a focus on using insights from multiple sources to identify problems and their solutions. The conversation will include high-level metrics (i.e., interchange, auth rates, billing success rates, chargeback rates, refund rates, etc.), but will also dig down into specific data types used for […]

Want to submit content to the DRF PaymentsEd website?

Submit content and be featured on the DRF PaymentsEd website If you or someone from your organization is interested in posting your original articles or presentations to the PaymentsEd website, please send a copy of your article/presentation as well as a 300 word description of the presentation, your bio and company boilerplate information to for […]