A Beautiful Friendship: Merchants and Issuers’ Mission to Strengthen the Customer Journey

Merchants and Card Issuers are highly dependent on each other. Over the last 50 years, they have each experienced frustration and directed blame at each other for many of the challenges they face regarding fraud and chargebacks. It has been challenging for Merchants and Issuers to work and interact with each other directly, so the concerns and the fundamental problems behind them have gone unresolved.

Driven by a need for partnership and visibility within the complete customer journey, and with the evolution and enhancement of technologies to facilitate such collaboration, Merchants and Issuers are now working together to extend their mutual understanding of the need to build on the all-important customer relationship, before, during, and beyond the shopping cart. Learn how Merchants and Issuers are preventing fraud and chargebacks, and providing the best customer experience from pre-checkout to post.

Key Discussion Points:

History/Need for collaboration between Merchants and Issuers
How visibility can help strengthen the customer journey: Pre-Transaction, At Checkout, Post-Transaction


Chris Marchand, VP Business Development, Verifi